Water Workout

Water Workout
The wet gym starts here

Saturday, January 26, 2013

RYKA - American Women Demand you make our favorite shoe: RYKA N-Gage Instructor Shoe


I get calls every week from women desperate to find a shoe that has been their absolute favorite shoe since they bought their first pair.  You (RYKA) have deemed we don't need it anymore, and have discontinued making it.  My blog is volunteering to be a sounding board for all women who want you to make this shoe again.  We will buy it!  We will buy lots of them!  I currently own six versions of this shoes and I alternate them because IT IS THE ONLY SHOE THAT I CAN EXERCISE IN!
Because I sell RYKA shoes on my website www.splashinternational.com, I am inviting women to voice their opinion here so I can meet their needs for exercise. I will be contacting the RYKA company with your requests so the more posts I get, the better! Please be sure to give your first name, where you live (city and state) and why you like this shoe!   The shoe is the RYKA N-Gage Instructor Shoe